I can hear them right now.Β  Scuttling and scampering about.Β  I can hear them whispering, debating on who’ll get the first bite.Β  On which parts of me they’ll want to eat first. I can hear them from under me, under my bed.Β  The floor and the...

β€œβ€¦ It is hope, not despair, that undoes us all…” --Β Β  Jennifer Donnely *** BZZZZZ Try having that sound wake you up.Β  The way the metal screeches as it spins.Β  Try having THAT wake you up, and then realize you’re bare-ass naked and restrained to a chair. What would you...

The first time was probably the least tragic, or at least, the least painful.Β  The least haunting, as well.Β  It was three years ago; my health had taken a nosedive.Β  Cancer, stage three.Β  I’d been a chain smoker since the end of freshman year of...

I just wanted to make her happy, that’s all.Β  I just wanted to make her happy with me again. Was that so wrong?Β  I mean, what’d I do to deserve this? Okay, so maybe I cheated.Β  But I felt horrible for it and wanted to make...

β€œβ€¦In an attempt to convince the prince to do his duty, he assumes his multi-armed form and he says, β€˜Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds’… I suppose we all felt that in a way…” - J. Robert Oppenheimer People always used to ask me,...

β€œWill you tell us the story again, Dad?” ”Yeah, Dad, tell us about β€˜Little Johnny’s Cave!’ PLEASE?” I still remember those days, sitting around a campfire in the backyard and listening to dad tell that story.Β  It was our favorite.Β  β€œLittle Johnny’s Cave.” It was as...

From the Desk of Independent Journalist and Researcher James Thurwell: Recently, what could be termed a medical miracle was performed, in which scientists were able to revive tissue that suffered cellular death using a system known as OrganEx.Β  This process was able to take organs harvested...

β€œAnd a double with cheese, please.” Patrick leaned in close to me from the passenger seat.Β  β€œCan you add a Coke to that, too?” I leaned out.Β  β€œCan we have a Coke, too, please?”  I looked back at Patrick, who made a hand gesture, pulling his hands...

The following is transcribed from a document located in an unmarked grave discovered and exhumed on the island of Skellig Michael.Β  The document is of particular note, because not only does it predate the monastic orders that would come to dominate the culture of this...

Raw vulgarities and unspeakable explicatives in a seemingly everlasting anguish, embedded like a cancer in his soul. Β Every unforgiven man has lacked forgiveness and thus has brought the pestilence to his own door. Β In order for one to be forgiven, one must find it in...

Abraham had concluded his business in Abbeville. He had slept extemporaneously since he had arrived, but he was anxious to see home. Β Home was several miles out of town, but it would be an easy walk. Abraham walked everywhere.Β  Transportation for him had been a horse...

When we moved into the house, we called it our home. Β We were clueless as to what forces were living with us. It became apparent rather quickly we were not alone. Β All of the events I am sharing, I do with reluctance.Β  I am not interested...

I’ll never forget the Halloween I moved to Westport. It was a rough year for meβ€”just barely 12β€”moving in the hottest summer months to a new town in the middle of nowhere. Coming from the big city, the endless fields and forests were definitely new...

As a kid, I read a ton of sci-fi.Β  Pulp stuff, real trash, most of it, but it inspired me.Β  It told me that there were things out there to be discovered, that there were new worlds to open up.Β  No matter how far we’d...

Today’s my birthday.Β  That’s not generally something I bring up.Β  I don’t celebrate it.Β  Almost no one knows when it is, and I like it that way. I don’t like being put on the spot.Β  I don’t like the falseness of people wishing me a happy...

I was supposed to be at my friend’s wedding this weekend.Β  And the thing is, maybe I was there?Β  Only I’m pretty sure it was canceled.Β  I went to the bride’s funeral.Β  Butβ€”let me back up. I knew both Aldin and Petra from college.Β  They met...

I thought it was just like any other construction zone.Β  It looked the same: same cones, same signs, same trucks.Β  And honestly, if people would learn how to drive, I probably never would have noticed any differently.Β  But people get stupid in the face of...

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