I didn’t plan on staying at a motel that night.Β  My apartment is normally a perfectly nice, pleasant, and comfortable place to stay.Β  Unfortunately, the notice on the door of the building said we had to make other arrangements for the next two days.Β  Why,...

I woke up to the sight of my wife’s bare back, The constellation of freckles that spanned both shoulder blades under a wavy nebula of red hair. I reached over and tapped her shoulder. β€œHoney, it’s time,” I said. Her body stiffened and she heaved a sigh. β€œI...

I graduated from high school a few years back. I still live with my parents, but I’m using this time to my advantage. They’re kind enough not to charge rent and that allows me the ability to save up almost every penny I make. The...

It had started with a word. Ensorcell. Pollyanna had first overheard it when she was a child, playing with her Barbies in the spacious parlor as her mother prattled away on the phone to one pageant organizer or another. β€œShe’ll absolutely ensorcell everybody, she’s a natural!”...

James was an eight-year-old boy with the heart of a dog and the energy of a hummingbird. His mother died when he was only five, so he lived with his grandmother, Babcia. They were very poor: their house was a tiny, dilapidated thing, with a...

My sister Heather meant the world to me. She always seemed to have everything growing up. She was the homecoming queen in our small town. She graduated valedictorian of her class. She was voted Most Likely to Succeed her senior year. She was captain of...

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