Dr. Timothy Cole, a dedicated astronomer, believes the universe holds the answers to humanity’s greatest mysteries. When an unusual signal from a distant star catches his attention, Timothy is drawn into a discovery that could redefine everything humanity knows about life in the cosmos. But...

Part I Alright, let me start with this: I’m not here to rant about technology or preach about privacy or whatever. I’m not even here to convince you not to downloadΒ DreamShareβ€”I know most of you probably already have it. But if you haven’t…well, you might want...

Part I Listen, before I startβ€”if anyone finds this, if anyone reads this, you need to know something. I shouldn’t be talking about this. It’s been ten years since that night, and I’ve kept my mouth shut like I promised, even when I wanted to scream...

Part I Nick sat in the cockpit of the small Cessna, his fingers curling around the yoke as the plane vibrated with the steady hum of the engine. It was his seventh lesson with Colton, and despite the growing familiarity with the controls, his pulse quickened...

Look, I’m not saying my closet is haunted. I’m just saying… there’s no logical explanation for what’s been happening. It started the week we moved into the new house. Kelvin and I found this place during one of those spontaneous "we need a bigger place before...

In a dilapidated house at the edge of a small, quiet town, where the shadows danced and the wind whispered secrets, was what was supposed to be my wife and I’s paradise. Our once-grand home now stood as a decrepit monument to the relentless march...

Part I I have never been a superstitious man,Β and can honestly say that I do not believe in vampires, ghouls, demons, or anything else that those youngsters with their vivid imaginations and smartphones like to dream up. But there is one thing that happened a very...

β€œNo one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heavenβ€”the Son of Man.” John 3:13 CHAPTER 1 Devon, England. October 1991 The Duke’s Head pub had been derelict for two years now; boarded up, condemned; but no one missed it. It had never been a...

Dak and Chadwick each lit up a smoke and cracked their windows, the excitement of a good day fishing warming their spirits despite the cold wind that suddenly filled the cab of Chadwick’s truck. The sporadic raindrops that began to fall as they left the...

James was an eight-year-old boy with the heart of a dog and the energy of a hummingbird. His mother died when he was only five, so he lived with his grandmother, Babcia. They were very poor: their house was a tiny, dilapidated thing, with a...

I think there’s three of them still out there β€” three wolves. Aside from the one I killed, I’ve only seen two at any given time, but they’re distinct enough for me to tell them apart β€” there are three of them. We’ve been trapped...

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