Part I Michael adjusted the rearview mirror for the third time in two minutes, watching his 8-year-old son, Aidan, fiddling with a worn strap on his tattered blue tote bag. The bag, stitched by his ex-wife Hannah years ago, was barely holding together. The seams were...

Dr. Timothy Cole, a dedicated astronomer, believes the universe holds the answers to humanity’s greatest mysteries. When an unusual signal from a distant star catches his attention, Timothy is drawn into a discovery that could redefine everything humanity knows about life in the cosmos. But...

Trapped aboard a starship under siege by relentless alien invaders, Pvt. Edmund and Commander Rathburne must rely on their wits, willpower, and each other to survive. With time running out and danger closing in, the two soldiers face an impossible challenge: breach an impenetrable door...

They told me to bomb a hospital or an orphanage.Β  My choice. I had a ZAG-05 personal rocket launcher and five rockets, each of which yielded five megatons and provided expedited half-life radioactive decay, allowing for comparatively prompt occupation.Β  In other words, our troops could move...

I imagine that the folks in the city didn’t see anything at all. Out here we’ve got fewer lights. The sky’s a lot clearer at night. Gives a man something to think about, looking up at all that space. I know it’s no deep philosophy,...

My family has a bit of a rocky history. My grandmother had some troubling religious beliefs, which drove a wedge between her and my mother. We couldn’t celebrate any major holidays together, so the only time I saw my grandmother was on my birthday. However,...

It was August 9, 2010. I was thirty-eight years old. My oldest daughter, Avis, was twelve, and the younger pair, my twins Joanne and John, were nine. I’d been married for fifteen years. I worked at an insurance firm. And every Sunday, while my wife...

Amanda was standing in the darkness, beating her fists against the refrigerator door. The commotion had wrenched me out of a deep and dreamless sleep. When I’d crept down the hall to investigate, I’d had panicked thoughts of intruders, stealing into the house to gut my...

I hate interviews. I hate the DMV. I hate that they summoned me. And yet here I am, wasting an entire day sitting alone in an empty lobby, waiting. The Demonic Management of Villainy. I glare up at the counter. I shouldn’t be here. I...

Seeking refuge from a world that no longer feels like his own, Samuel Reid takes on the lonely post of lighthouse keeper at St. Eris, perched above a desolate sea. But the lighthouse’s glow is more than a beacon for shipsβ€”it’s a barrier against the...

After a devastating accident leaves him with shattered ribs and no way to work, Elliot Harper is offered an experimental treatment that promises to heal him faster than modern medicine ever could. Desperate to get his life back, he agrees to the trial, but...

When an ambitious archeologist leads a team into the uncharted mountains of Eastern Europe, they expect to uncover ancient ruins and forgotten civilizations. Instead, they stumble upon something otherworldlyβ€”a living structure housing a presence that defies comprehension. As their awe turns to dread, the team...

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