The carpet smells of decay and mud as I flatten my face against the floor in an attempt to hide under our queen-sized bed. An incessant banging at the door resonates through my brain, feeling like I’m being impaled with an iron spike. Each knock slams...

This story was originally featured on James Colton's official website, and has been reprinted here with his kind permission. You can see the original postΒ here, or visit hisΒ official websiteΒ today for dozens of additional tales of terror. * * * * * * β€œI still don’t think it’s...

Very soon, I'll be dead. Stuck inside Hotel Non Dormiunt, a place that is essentially a prison decorated with flowery wallpaper. I've prayed and begged that anyone find me before my time ends, but if you're reading this, it's already too late...

In the room over his London shop, Darke methodically counted the copper, silver and most especially the gold coins that had poured in during the day. The feel of the cold and beautiful metal in his long, wispy fingers was always comforting to him. The...

They’ve called me a shit-magnet since I was a kid. It’s only an expression, sure, but I think it might also be a real thing. If a smile can attract smiles sure as a corpse can attract flies, there’s no reason a guy like me...

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