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Corey was at the bar getting himself another old-fashioned with an Irish stout chaser when he stopped to look towards the back of the bar.  He saw someone on his way up from the outside smoking patio, someone that looked familiar, but he couldn’t place...

I’ve been walking around for the past five and a half weeks without feeling like I’m truly alive.  The positive test showed up first, and the symptoms came to plague me shortly after.  Our son was kind enough to agree to stay with us until...

Being a police detective means you see a lot of horrible things.  Things you can’t unsee. They haunt your dreams at night, and the images spill over into the daytime. Waking nightmares – ever hear of those?  I get them all the time. Pretty soon, every time you...

I believe there are imperceptible forces, energies and intangible things, which, arising from some sub-dimensional source, act on our minds, influence our thoughts, and perhaps even create entirely new thoughts—ideas which we wouldn’t have normally, naturally considered. The human brain largely remains a mystery and is still yet...

I have only a few things to say, a few terrible events to relate, and then I must go and join my best friend.  She is in the other room, struggling against her restraints, crying out wildly, madly, shrieking like a thing inhuman.  In many...

The worst thing about trying to stop your brain from re-entering your skull is that, with it being your brain, you can’t exactly resist the commands it issues.  You can struggle, dimly, bodily, but in the end, the brain wins out.  It gets back into...

Snow. I absentmindedly watched the white flakes lazily drift down from the sky, remembering that the forecast called for a blizzard by noon. It didn’t seem like it would get that bad, at least not now. But I couldn’t spend all day looking at the...

It awoke to the sounds of bootfalls on rocks.  Voices followed.  Someone had come into its cave again. It listened. “Matt!  Look out for the camera!” “I’m looking!  I’m looking!” “I could put that in my bag, you know.” “And let it get crushed by your two tons of gear? ...

In some ways, it is terrifying to imagine just how close the town of Marchington came to obliteration by the tentacles of a demonic cephalopod. THE END It was finished.  Months of toil had finally given way to Marty’s latest masterpiece.  Of his eighteen novels to...

Vestwell Subway was a pedestrian tunnel which ran beneath the busy A37, linking East Lydford with West.  A notorious accident blackspot, few ever chose to use it, preferring to risk life and limb crossing the road above.  Indeed, many fatalities had been recorded at the...

I was running as fast as I could, but I knew it was gaining on me. I swear it was trying to step in every puddle so I knew it was running faster. I turned my head where I could see it. Its arms were...

The town my wife Violet was raised in is almost unremarkable. You won’t find it on any ‘Best of’ lists or see it signified on any map or atlas. She said she was happy as heaven to get out of there when we met. I...

In the beginning, what we did was beautiful. It all started in 345 when Saint Nicholas supposedly “died.” Or at least, that was the story given out. What a bad joke. As if a man who could resurrect pickled meat into living breathing children would ever...

I grew up in a family that always struggled with money.  I wish I could say we made the best of our situation, but that would be the worst kind of lie: the kind that lets my father off the hook.  He was a destructive,...

My chair tilts back as I scroll through the horror forum posts.  There’s not one thing that I’ve read or watched that has so much as quickened my heart rate.  I dejectedly set my phone aside, knowing there’s nothing I’ll find here.  Horror’s not like...