So, this one… this is the beginning of the most terrifying paranormal thing that ever happened to me. Technically, this should be titled β€œThe Doll” since it spans several years, and several locations, and the central theme is a ventriloquist dummy I got as a...

I have an obsession with a woman. She’s a wild child. As unpredictable and dangerous as a boar. As potent as a viper. She’s the kind of woman kids and drunks made legends about. The kind that’ll promise curses to those who trespass against her....

The smoke in the air stung their eyes, but all eight men were fixated on the hulking figure at the head of the table. He seemed unaffected by the cigars’ haze, peering angrily through it at his subjects. All nine men held each other with...

Zaleski State Forest is a short jot from my place of business. I’ve been known to skip eating and use my lunch break to take short treks through the forest in every season. It’s been at least a weekly occurrence since I began the position...

Hey-o! What’s good everybody? This is Milton, with Milton’s Movie Reviews. Before we get into today’s crazy flick, I’d like to thank today’s sponsor, Raid: Shadow Legends - the free online RPG that’s sweeping our screens worldwide. You can campaign with your friends to embark...

It was a bright, clear morning, but the ground below boiled and seethed with high-strung energy. The chapel on the hilltop was the epicenter of a tumultuous crowd, the largest gathering of churchgoers it had seen since its first service. This observation was not lost...

Andrew wasn’t sure what his dominant emotion was as he watched the news article unfolding on CNN, but he was pretty certain it was somewhere on the spectrum between hatred and hopelessness. Probably closer to hopelessness by this point, on account of the fact that...

The police cruiser rumbled down the long gravel driveway, trailing a moldering cloud of dust that’d hang there until they left. About halfway down there was a sign nailed to a tree that said: IF YOU CAN READ THIS, YOU’RE IN RANGE. Depicted below this...

They’d stopped on Winn Street, outside St. James. Ethan hadn’t broken his silence for a moment as he parked up by the church and Laura knew better than to challenge his decision. At the best of times, when Ethan needed silence, he needed silence, and...

If Yannick hadn’t been here before he wouldn’t have known what they were. The countryside that surrounded them was French; anyone could have guessed that. Flaxen fields of barely tillering wheat ran as far as the eye could see and stopped only, perhaps, where the rough...

Certain houses, like certain persons, manage somehow to proclaim at once their character for evil. In the case of the latter, no particular feature need betray them; they may boast an open countenance and an ingenuous smile; and yet a little of their company leaves...

The bones arrived on a Friday, in a pine crate the size of a steamer trunk. β€œIs that it, Mr. Evans?” Eliot asked, his tone lacking awe. The rest of the earth science class conversed in whispers or stared out the row of bay windows overlooking...

I was referred by a temp agency. I had no idea who I would be working for, or what the job would entail. I only knew that the pay was good. A week-long excursion at $725 a night. More than enough to pay off a...

The world came back into focus. She stood motionless at the edge of the bed, watching me from beneath the decaying black shroud that covered her head. Two white, reflective orbs passed over me.Β  I could feel the pressure of her dread gaze as it seemed...

Part I How happy we are today The feeling will only escape No matter who we blame it on When the thrill is gone, it's gone, it's gone Β - Trifonic Warren Biggs thundered into the radio station that sat at the edge of town, the town itself sat at the edge...

The moon hung heavy overhead through a striated bank of clouds, and even though it was a weeknight, the Levine family was gathered on the front lawn, necks craning up and peering into the sky. The meteor shower was due to start at any minute...

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