β€œIt’s creepy,” Dan balked. β€œIt’s cute,” Julia countered. β€œBesides, it’s fun. I mean, geez Scrooge, where’s your Christmas spirit?” Dan picked up the doll and turned it over in his hands. It was the prototypical Christmas elf as imagined by Hollywood in a red onesie, Santa...

I missed the scorching wind of Andalusia. How it pours sunlight onto your face, toying with eyelashes, flattening dry sand against cheeks and milling around hair. I missed the smell of the valley and that ripening softness of Muscat fluff glistening in the afternoon breeze. From...

Sometimes, otherworldly beings find interesting ways to try and contact you. They might capitalize on your use of a Ouija Board, or maybe come to you in a dream, or sometimes they speak through another person. They each have their own style and preference that’s...

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